Our curriculum consists of thirteen 4-week blocks.

The primary goal for the first year is to master the fundamentals of hospital-based medicine through rotations in internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, emergency medicine and surgery.

Resident input is crucial to the successful development of our curriculum. We strive to maximize the individual needs of residents while preparing them for practice in an evolving healthcare environment.

Rick Worshtil, M.D. Assistant Director, Retired, Class of 1976

The first-year resident, supervised by appropriate family physicians or specialists, is responsible for managing the patients admitted to the teaching services. Outpatient clinics in several of these disciplines complement inpatient care, providing a well-rounded experience. Family Medicine faculty and internists supervise the medical service team, which includes residents from all three years. Family physicians and staff specialists supervise residents on obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, and surgery rotations. First-year residents spend one-half to two days per week in the Family Medicine Center caring for their patients.

Second and third-year residents spend increasing amounts of time in the Family Medicine Center. Emphasis is placed on strengthening the skills required to manage patients in an office setting. A wide variety of elective experiences are available. Additionally, residents spend time with our Behavioral Science faculty throughout their three year residency.

Block(s) PGY1 PGY2 PGY3
1 Intern Boot Camp Inpatient Medicine Inpatient Medicine
2 Inpatient Medicine Inpatient Medicine Inpatient Medicine
3 Inpatient Medicine ICU OB/Peds
4 Inpatient Medicine/Night Float OB/Peds Continuity
5 Night Float Continuity Continuity
6 Inpatient Pediatrics Continuity Ambulatory Pediatrics
7 Ambulatory Pediatrics Ambulatory Pediatrics Orthopedics/Sports Medicine
8 Geriatrics/Palliative Medicine General Surgery FM Clinics
9 Emergency Medicine Orthopedics/Sports Medicine FM Clinics
10 Obstetrics Emergency Medicine Elective
11 Obstetrics/Elective FM Clinics Gynecology
12 Elective Elective Elective
13 Elective Elective Elective

FM Clinics Rotation includes: MAT, OB/Gyne, Skin, OMT, Pediatrics, Psychiatry and Ortho Clinic experiences.

Elective Rotation

  • Anesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • Critical Care
  • Diagnostic Imaging
  • Diabetes Education
  • Endocrinology
  • Gastroenterology
  • General Surgery
  • Geriatric Medicine
  • Hematology/Oncology
  • International Medicine
  • Nephrology
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology
  • Occupational Medicine
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics/Sports Medicine
  • Otolaryngology (ENT)
  • Pain Management
  • Palliative Medicine
  • Pediatrics


Conferences & Continuing Education
In addition to the clinical experience, there is an active didactic schedule, including:

  • Weekly half-day didactic session presented by hospital staff physicians or guest lecturers
  • Monthly Obstetrics/Gynecology conferences
  • Bi-monthly Continuing Medical Education Conference, presented by a guest speaker or attending physician from September through May
  • Morning Sign-Out
  • Evidenced-based Journal Club
  • A practice management course given by outside experts, family practitioners, local attorneys, accountants, and investment counselors

Residents are encouraged to attend regional and national educational conferences during the second and third years. The hospital pays a generous portion of the expenses. The hospital’s medical staff library includes staff who assist residents with journals, texts, computerized medical literature searches, and other needed medical resource material.

Night call is an important part of the training program. Night call is designed for a resident to experience the entire spectrum of clinical problems encountered in family medicine. Because of the graduated and comprehensive nature of night call it is a critical component of the educational experience. Interns participate in night float. Each intern takes turns in two-week blocks where the intern covers night call from 5 pm until 7 am Sunday through Thursday.

Call is designed for the resident to assume responsibilities in a graduated fashion. Initially the upper year resident directly supervises the first-year resident. By the end of the first year, the intern will be able to manage a wide variety of medical problems.

Several duties are assumed by the first call resident. In-house emergencies are managed in consultation with the attending physician and senior resident. Under the supervision of the second-call resident, the first-call resident evaluates and provides initial treatment for medical or pediatric patients admitted to the teaching service. The first-year resident performs all OB clinic deliveries under the supervision of the second-call resident and attending family practitioner or obstetrician. Residents also assist with emergency surgery. Call responsibilities do not include starting IVs, venipuncture, or drawing routine blood gases.

Senior residents are responsible for second and third call. Second call admits patients to the teaching services, supervises the first-call resident, and answers telephone calls from family medicine patients. Second call occurs on an average of two to three times per month. A senior resident is also on third call to provide additional support as necessary. Third call occurs two to three times per month (taken from home). Call is concluded with morning report with a senior faculty member who reviews the important learning experiences encountered.