Thank you for your interest in our volunteer program! UPMC Washington offers unique and rewarding opportunities, and volunteers are a very important part of our team. We greatly appreciate the contributions of time and talent given by our volunteers. Their generous support allows us to provide the finest possible care and services to our patients and families. Approximately 400 volunteers offer their time and energy to serve, touching the lives of patients, visitors and staff. Our volunteers are made up of a diverse group of people including working professionals, college students, retirees and teens.
There is a wide variety of opportunities offered at UPMC Washington affiliated facilities including clinical and non-clinical services. Our dedicated volunteers serve in more than 30 areas, some directly with patients and visitors, and others in support areas. Whether you are interested in helping patients in the Emergency Department, or helping families in Surgical Services, there are opportunities available to you.
Teen Volunteers
UPMC Washington can offer our local teens a unique and rewarding volunteer opportunities. Teens must be at least 15 years old to be eligible. Teens are accepted into the program three times a year—January, May and September. The minimum commitment is 2 – 3 days each month, 3 – 4 hours each day. A teen must be willing to volunteer at least 50 hours in a calendar year.
*Please note: we do not accept teens who need to complete 10 or 20 hours of volunteer service for high school graduation.
Volunteer Benefits
Many of the benefits volunteers receive are intangible but nonetheless rewarding. A smile from a patient, a thank you from a staff member or visitor and satisfaction of helping are all instant benefits.
Benefits also include complementary parking, free beverage, discounted gym membership, free flu immunization, discounted pharmacy benefits, teen scholarship awards , annual recognition luncheon, educational classes, valuable career and job experience.
UPMC Washington Hospital Auxiliary
Formally organized in 1923, the Auxiliary has a membership of approximately 400. This group of dedicated men and women volunteer their time to support the mission of UPMC Washington; many are lifetime members. The Auxiliary is very active in its role with the hospital, supporting and providing many fundraising activities throughout the year, and in operating the hospital Gift Shop and Snack Cart. Each year, the money raised by the Auxiliary is donated to the hospital to support patient services, programs and equipment. The Auxiliary has given more than $6.3 million.
All volunteers are members of the Auxiliary and pay yearly dues. In return, the Auxiliary assists each volunteer with the cost of a uniform.
Additionally, The UPMC Washington Hospital Auxiliary awards four scholarships ranging from $2,500 to $1,000 to Junior Volunteers to pursue higher education.
How To Get Started
- Please download the application below, and send it to the hospital Volunteer Office at
- You will be contacted to set up a personal interview.
- The next steps will include: Health screening and Reference letters
Volunteers are placed in assignments based on skills, interests, and availability.
Requirements Include
- At least 15 years of age
- Serve a minimum of 50 hours
- Dependable, responsible, friendly
- Successfully pass criminal background checks, for adult applicants over 18 (state and/or federal)
- Health screening (including proof of immunizations and TB testing)
- Personal references
- Attend orientation and training