Who Says Physical Therapy Isn’t Fun?

At WHS Children’s Therapy Center, physical therapy is designed to feel like play for the child while facilitating therapeutic outcomes via motor skill development. Hopping, biking, jumping, and completing obstacle courses are exciting ways for children to develop gross motor skills and increase strength, balance, postural control, coordination, mobility, and endurance.

Physical therapists work with the caregiver and child to create goals that help to increase independence with functional mobility and gross motor skills to participate with peers and family within their daily life. Improving seating and positioning, expanding mobility options, providing recommendations for adaptive equipment, and teaching safety on our adapted playground promote the child’s participation and independence in activities.

Our physical therapists work with children for a wide variety of reasons. Some children need PT to help them reach gross motor development milestones such as rolling, sitting, or walking. PT can assess and treat gait and mobility deficits, as well as rehabilitation after orthopedic injuries. The physical therapists at CTC are trained in the specific needs unique to children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, neuromuscular diseases, spina bifida, genetic syndromes, torticollis, athletic injuries, post-surgical or traumatic injuries, and other conditions.

At the Children’s Therapy Center, our therapists utilize a variety of equipment during therapeutic interventions including but not limited to the Hypervibe whole body vibration plate, LiteGait Harness for supported treadmill training, TheraTog orthopedic garments, Neuromuscular Electric Stimulation, and adaptive equipment.

Physical therapy services at CTC include:

  • gait training
  • balance training & postural control
  • orthopedic injury treatment and rehabilitation
  • stretching, strengthening and endurance
  • joint mobilization
  • neuromuscular reeducation
  • evaluation for adaptive equipment
  • evaluation and referrals for appropriate orthotics

A physician must prescribe physical therapy for services to be initiated.