Below you will find the curriculum plan associated with our programs. Click on a course to read a more in depth description about each course (Nursing 100, Nursing 200, etc.).  *All nursing courses must be taken in sequence.

First Year

Semester I

15 Weeks

Nursing 100 – 13 Credit Equivalents + 3 Credit (Intro to General Psychology)

Theory 150 Hours + Clinical 150 Hours = 300 Total Hours

Semester II

15 Weeks

Nursing 200 – 12 Credit Equivalents + 3 Credit (Intro to Sociology)

Theory 135 Hours + Clinical 162 Hours = 297 Total Hours

First Year Total: 25 Credit Equivalents + 6 Credit General Education = 597 Hours

Second Year

Semester III

15 Weeks

Nursing 300 – 12 Credit Equivalents + 3 Credit (Essentials in Nutrition)

Theory 135 Hours + Clinical 175 Hours = 310 Total Hours

Semester IV

15 Weeks

Nursing 400 – 13 Credit Equivalents + 1 Credit (Introduction to Ethics)

Theory 135 Hours + Clinical 189 Hours = 324 Total Hours

Second Year Total: 25 Credit Equivalents + 6 Credit General Education = 634 Hours

Total credits provided by Washington Health System School of Nursing: 50 Credits

Total hours provided by Washington Health System School of Nursing: 1,231 Hours

Total Non-Nursing Credits/Courses


3 Credits = English Composition
4 Credits = Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab
4 Credits = Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab
3 Credits = Developmental Psychology

Total Credit/Courses

Integrated through Portage Learning/Geneva College

3 Credits = General Psychology
3 Credits = Intro to Sociology
3 Credits = Essentials in Nutrition
3 Credit = Intro to Ethics

Total College Credits = 26 Credits

Credit Conversion: Theory = 15 Hours / 1 Credit, Clinical = 45 Hours / 1 Credit