Since 1949, our nation has partnered with organizations such as Mental Health America and their affiliates to establish a month dedicated to raising awareness and support for individuals suffering from mental illness. Because of these efforts, May is recognized as Mental Health Month. Throughout the month of May, organizations target millions of people through the media, local events and screenings.

The goal of Mental Health Month is to raise awareness, stop the stigma and promote recovery. Raising awareness is essential to understanding the impact trauma can have on the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of children, adults, families, and communities. Mental health is essential for a person’s overall health. Research has proven that treatment works. Treatment and prevention work. Individuals suffering from mental disorders can live a happy, healthy and productive life with appropriate treatment.

Mental Health Month gives all of us a valuable opportunity to celebrate the tremendous strides this Nation has made in promoting mental health and increasing the public’s knowledge that effective services and support are available.

Throughout the month of May, Washington Health System would like to support these efforts by collaborating with our Wilfred R. Cameron Wellness Center and WHS Center for Mental Health and Wellbeing to provide short testimonial videos and yoga classes.