Dennis and Mary Lea give so we don’t have to answer that question.  You can, too.

Dennis, a 65 year old insurance agent, remembers what it was like not to have crucial services in our community.  His mother battled cancer in the 1950s, and the only place she could get treatment was Pittsburgh.  Years later, his father needed treatment for lung cancer.

“I was beginning a new career,” Dennis explains. “We were expecting our first child, but my father needed treatment. I drove him to Pittsburgh 5 days a week. My career was on hold, my wife was expecting, but Pittsburgh was the only option. My father passed away shortly after my daughter was born. It wasn’t easy. We got through it.”

After his own bout with cancer, Dennis was in remission until 2014 when his lymphoma returned.  This time, he received cancer care locally from Washington Health System’s expert oncologists and chemotherapy.  “Hopefully I’ll continue to be cancer free.  If not, I have a world class team ready to go. Right here at the WHS.”

Dennis and Mary Lea choose to make general, or unrestricted, gifts that aren’t designated to a specific program.

These gifts help Washington Health System provide patient care wherever the need is the greatest –  whether it’s helping a premature baby survive, an autistic child speak, a heart failure patient resume her daily activities, or a stroke victim receive life-saving treatment when every second counts.

Thank you, Dennis, Mary Lea, and all our donors!