James and Terry McCaffrey came to our community 30 years ago. They raised their three children here. Developed deep and meaningful friendships. Built a life.

Grateful for what the community had given them, they began looking for ways to give back. A few years ago, James joined the Washington Health System Foundation Board of Directors. And both McCaffreys became charter members of The 1897 Society.

“With Washington Health System, you don’thave to travel far for quality health care,” says James, recently retired Chief Commercial Officer of CONSOL Energy, Inc. “You can be at a great hospital within five minutes in a familiar environment. We joined The 1897 Society because we wanted to be part of that, to make sure that doesn’t change.”

The 1897 Society is a fundraising body that supports the ongoing work of WHS. Membership requires a $10,000 minimum contribution that can be designated as the donor chooses. Some gifts go toward a specific project. Others go where administration sees the most need.

No matter how the funds are allocated, the McCaffreys admire the way that every donated dollar is put to good use by hiring local people, updating technology, purchasing local products, and providing on-site vaccination and other community health events.

Another reason the McCaffreys joined the 1897 Society is their love of people. With one of their children working in health care, these grandparents of two understand the need for access to quality care—especially for people who struggle financially. Fundraising through the 1897 Society ensures the best care is available to all, regardless of socioeconomic status.

“Our desire is to give back,” says Terry, Owner of MAC & MAC Properties, LLC. “Having a hospital facility that will give you compassionate care when you need it is one of the greatest gifts a community can give.”