General Radiology (X-ray) captures images of the body, including the chest, abdomen, extremities and head. Some exams require preparation or fasting, and contrast dye is used with certain exams to enhance organ visibility.

Upper Gastrointestinal Series (UGI)

UGI X-ray examines the esophagus and stomach. You should not eat or drink after midnight the night before the exam. At the hospital, you will be given a barium contrast agent to drink. This has the taste and consistency of milk of magnesia. The exam typically takes less than an hour.

X-Ray Barium Enema

A barium enema is used to evaluate the lower GI tract. A bowel-cleansing prep is administered the day before the procedure to permit clearer images of the large bowel and surrounding tissues. The procedure may cause discomfort, but it is not painful. The radiologist will examine and take images of the flow of barium. The patient will be asked to move to several different positions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Please bring the written order (prescription) for your test when coming in for your X-ray.

X-rays may be taken at UPMC Washington Hospital, UPMC Greene or one of our four satellite facilities. If having your X-ray taken at the hospital, please stop at Registration/Admitting on the second floor, inside the main lobby, prior to going to the X-ray Department. Find a list of outpatient tests and locations.

The risk of developing cancer as a result of an X-ray of the chest, for example, is approximately one in a million, which makes the long-term risk minimal.

Not for a regular X-ray. However, you do need an appointment for specialized exams, including the UGI and Barium Enema X-rays.

Within 48 hours, one of our radiologists will analyze the images and send a report to your primary care physician and the physician who ordered the exam. Your physician’s office will call you with results or discuss them at your next appointment.

Contact the Radiology Department at (724) 223-3300. Your images will be stored on a CD and ready within 24 hours. Please bring your ID when coming to pick up the CD.