Name: Chelsea Lang, MSN, RN

Tell me about yourself?

About your job: I’m an Education Specialist at WHS.

How long have you been employed at WHS? I’ve worked here for one and half years.

Do you have a specific or different role during COVID 19?

I have taken on a new role of providing education for hospital employees on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for COVID-19. The PPE procedures have changed in light of COVID-19, we not only need to protect ourselves, but also preserve PPE as much as possible. This has changed what applying/removing PPE looks like for all staff members entering a patient’s room. This has required system-wide education for all hospital staff (clinical staff, maintenance, environmental services, respiratory, etc.,) that we have developed and delivered instructional videos, posters, and hands-on teaching on the clinical units.

Education: I’m a Trinity High School graduate. Received my Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from University of Pittsburgh and Graduated from Waynesburg University with my Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with a focus in education.

Hobbies outside of work, Family, etc: I have 3 kids; 2 girls and 1 boy. I enjoy spending time with them outside, taking walks, riding our bikes, etc. If we can be outside, that’s where we are! In the summer, we spend most of our free time in the pool. We also have a Yorkshire terrier named Blitzen.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

“Be honest with yourself and do what’s right; doing what’s right is not always easy”

What would be your ideal way to spend a weekend?

My ideal way to spend the weekend would be spent away with my family, preferably at the beach.

Why did you decide to do the work you do now?

My mom is also a nurse and her passion for nursing was always inspiring to me growing up, so she was a major reason I chose nursing as a career. I chose to become a nurse educator because it provided me the opportunity to combine two passions of mine: education and nursing. Healthcare is such a demanding field and requires true dedication in caring for others- so if someone truly desires to help others in this way- I want to help them get there.

What could you give a half-hour presentation on without any preparation?

Human growth and development from infancy to young adult.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

My professional accomplishments I am most proud of are achieving my BSN at the University of Pittsburgh and my MSN at Waynesburg University. I worked extremely hard to become a nurse and couldn’t imagine pursuing any other career. My personal accomplishments I am most proud of are my children, I love watching them grow and change every day. I am so proud of the people they are becoming, especially when I see them display acts of kindness to help one another- it makes me proud to be their mom.

What do you want people to know about the Covid-19 pandemic?

Everyone is doing their best during a time that we could have never fully prepared for locally, nationally, or even globally. We should try to offer one another kindness and emotional support as we all navigate these unprecedented times. I feel having faith in our decision makers is important; we have all experienced significant changes in our lives which have brought on extra stress. Actually during this time, myself and a small group of coworkers have come together to donate hand carved wooden crosses to patients and staff. We know many patients will be alone in the hospital due to visitation restrictions and that staff may become stressed or overwhelmed working at the front line of this pandemic. We felt this was a way to offer a source of strength and control during a time that we may feel so out of control.

Photos of Family