Name: Donna Kay Wickham
Tell us about yourself?
About your job: Certified Nursing Assistant at WHS Greene
How long have you been employed at WHS? 3 years
Was it always in the same department? I’ve always been assigned to work on the 3rd floor Acute Care unit. Occasionally I get pulled to work in the ER and when we had the BHU unit I would work on that unit as well.
What extra duties have you taken on during COVID 19 (if any)? I have worked as a greeter to ensure visitors are following our facility’s guidelines to ensure their safety and ours.
Education: I graduated from West Greene High School. Proud Pioneer!!
Hobbies outside of work: My husband and I enjoy spending our free time riding our motorcycles, going camping, and riding our side by side playing in the mud. Anytime I get to spend with my kids and grandkids is a blessing.
Family, pets, etc? My husband, Travis, and I have been married for 6 years, but have known each other for 30+ years. I have 3 adult children: Michael, Brittany and Kaleb. Michael and his wife, Andrea, have two kids: Kitarah and Onyx. Brittany and her husband, Josh, have three kids: Joshua, Oliver and Emily. And Kaleb is married to Alexis. I come from a family with three siblings: Steve, Denise and Everett. My brother, Steve, and his wife, Grace, live in Kentucky. My sister, Denise, is married to Rick. And, sadly I lost my brother Everett in 2001. I have some wonderful nieces and nephews. I also have a cat named Gracie.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to go to the marines or be a truck driver.
Why did you decide to do the work you do now?
My dad was a medic in the army, and my mom was a caregiver all her life. So I grew up around it.
If you were given a free plane ticket to visit anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I would go somewhere with a beach. I love the beach, but I don’t have any desire to leave the United States. So just going to the Grand Canyon and out west with my husband on our motorcycles, rather than making a trip by plane, would be alright with me.
What skill or talent would you most like to learn or improve?
I would like to learn how to play the guitar. I guess it wouldn’t hurt if I could sing too. I do sing now mainly in the car. I’m just not good at it. LOL.
Who is the funniest person in your family?
My sister Denise is very witty and always has a comeback for everything. I mean, anyone that would put socks on a dead deer is pretty funny.
What do you want to tell people, or want them to know, about the COVID-19 pandemic and/or about WHS?
There will be an end to all this chaos someday and we can learn from this and hopefully be more prepared for the next big thing.